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2022 IMH Publications

  • Abdel Shaheed C, Awal A, Zhang G, Gilbert S, Gallacher D, McLachlan A, Day R, Ferreira GE, Jones CM, Ahedi H, Tamrakar M, Blyth F, Stanaway F, Maher C. Efficacy, Tolerability, and Dose-Dependent Effects of Opioid Analgesics for Osteoarthritis: Systematic review and Meta-Analysis. Medical Journal of Australia. 2022;216(6):305-11.

  • Abdel Shaheed C, Maher C, Furmage A, Hoffmann T, McLachlan A. Strengthening the reporting of harms of all interventions in clinical trials. Medical Journal of Australia. 2022;217(10):502-4.

  • Abdel Shaheed C, Maher C, Furmage A, Hoffmann T, McLachlan A. Better measuring and reporting of adverse events are needed in back pain trials of non-drug interventions. BMJ 2022;377:o1055.

  • Alaiti RK, Castro J, Lee H, Caneiro JP, Vlaeyen JW, Kamper SJ, Da Costa MF. What Are the Mechanisms of Action of Cognitive-Behavioral, Mind-Body, and Exercise-based Interventions for Pain and Disability in People with Chronic Primary Musculoskeletal Pain?: A Systematic Review of Mediation Studies from Randomized Controlled Trials. Clinical Journal of Pain. 2022;38(7):502-9.

  • Allen NE, Canning CG, Almeida LRS, Bloem BR, Keus SH, Löfgren N, Nieuwboer A, Verheyden GS, Yamato TP, Sherrington C. Interventions for preventing falls in Parkinson’s disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2022;2022(6).

  • Ambrens M, Alley SJ, Oliveira JS, To Q, Delbaere K, Vandelanotte C, Tiedemann A. The effect of eHealth-delivered exercise programmes on balance in people aged 65 years and over living in the community: A systematic review & meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ Open 2022;12(6).

  • Ambrens M, van Schooten K, Lung T, Clemson L, Close JCT, Howard K, Lord SR, Zilstra GAR, Tiedemann A, Valenzuela T, Vandelanotte C, Chow J, McInerney G, Miles L, Woodbury A, Delbaere K. Economic evaluation of the e-Health StandingTall balance exercise programme for fall prevention in people aged 70 years and over. Age and Ageing 2022;51(6).

  • Anandacoomarasamy A, Richards B, Ward L, Langford K, Wallace G, Sinclair T, Anderson T, Barnsley L. Design and implementation of flexible advanced training in rheumatology: report of a pilot programme. Intern Med J. 2022 Oct;52(10):1768-1772.

  • Anderson DB, Beard D, Sabet T, Eyles J, Harris I, Adie S, Buchbinder R, Maher C, Ferreira M. Evaluation of placebo fidelity and trial design methodology in placebo controlled surgical trials of musculoskeletal conditions: a systematic review. Pain 2022;163(4): 637-651.

  • Ardern CL, Büttner F, Andrade R, Weir A, Ashe MC, Holden S, Impellizzeri FM, Delahunt E, Dijkstra HP, Mathieson S, Rathleff MS, Reurink G, Sherrington C, Stamatakis E, Vicenzino B, Whittaker JL, WrightAA, Clarke M, Moher D, Page MJ, Khan KM, Winters M. Implementing the 27 PRISMA 2020 Statement items in the context of systematic reviews in the sport and exercise medicine, musculoskeletal rehabilitation, and sports science fields—the PERSIST (implementing Prisma in Exercise, Rehabilitation, Sport medicine and SporTs science) guidance. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2022;56(4):175-195.

  • Ayre J, Jenkins H, McCaffery K, Maher C, Hancock MJ. Physiotherapists have some hesitations and unmet needs regarding delivery of exercise programs for low back pain prevention: A qualitative interview study. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. 2022;62.

  • Ayre J, Jenkins H, McCaffery K, Maher C, Hancock MJ. Unique considerations for exercise programs to prevent future low back pain: The patient perspective. Pain. 2022;163(8):E953-E62.

  • Badge, HM, Churches T, Naylor JM, Xuan W, Armstrong E, Gray L, Fletcher JP, Gosbell I, Lin C, Harris I. Association between VTE and antibiotic prophylaxis guideline compliance and patient-reported outcomes after total hip and knee arthroplasty: an observational study. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes 2022 6(1):110.

  • Bagg M, Wand B, Cashin A, Lee H, Hubscher M, Stanton TR, O’Connel N, O’Hagan ET, Rizzo R, Wewege MA, Rabey M, Goodall S, Saing S, Lo S, Luomajoki H, Herbert RD, Maher C, Moseley GL, McAuley JH. Effect of graded sensorimotor retraining on pain intensity in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2022;328(5):430-9.

  • Bates A, Furber S, Sherrington C, van den Dolder P, Ginn K, Bauman A, Howard K, Kershaw M, Franco L, Chittenden C, Tiedemann A. Effectiveness of workshops to teach a home-based exercise program (BEST at Home) for preventing falls in community-dwelling people aged 65 years and over: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMC Geriatrics. 2022;22(1).

  • Bejarano G, Csiernik B, Young JJ, Stuber K, Zadro JR. Healthcare students’ attitudes towards patient centred care: a systematic review with meta-analysis. BMC Medical Education. 2022;22(1).

  • Bittencourt JV, Chaves de Souza PA, Corrêa LA, Narcizo Volotao A, Mathieson S, Nogueira LAC. Health literacy, pain-related interference, and pain-related distress of patients with musculoskeletal pain. Health Promotion International. 2021 Oct 31;daab183.  doi: 10.1093/heapro/daab183. Online ahead of print.

  • Block H, Annesley A, Lockwood K, Xu L, Cameron ID, Laver K, Crotty M, Sherrington C, Kifley A, Howard K, Pond D, Nguyen TA, Kurrle SE. Frailty in Older people: Rehabilitation Treatment Research Examining Separate Settings (FORTRESS): protocol for a hybrid type II stepped wedge, cluster, randomised trial. BMC Geriatrics. 2022;22(1).

  • Blokzijl J, Hopin L, Cullen L, Coggins A, Gillet M, Middleton P, Ferreira GE, Machado G, Maher C, Traeger A. Diagnoses and trends in use of imaging for low back pain in four Australian emergency departments between 2012 and 2019. Emergency Medicine Australasia. 2022;34(4):539-46.

  • Camara GC, Oliveira JS, Tiedemann A, Sherrington C, Lord SR, Bauman AE, Anstey KJ, Shepherd RB. 591 Yoga for falls prevention: impressions of people aged 60 years and over. Injury Prevention. 2022;28:A89.

  • Cashin AG, Lee H, Traeger A, Moseley GL, Hübscher M, Kamper SJ, Skinner IW, McAuley JH. Producing clinically meaningful reductions in disability: A Causal Mediation Analysis of a Patient Education Intervention. Journal of Pain. 2022;23(2):236-47.

  • Caterson HC, Youssef P. Sulfasalazine-induced myopathy in a patient with an acute spondyloarthritis. Intern Med J. 2022 Jan;52(1):155.

  • Chen Q, Machado G, Ferreira GE, Maher C. Comment on the article by Singh et al.: The 2019 GBD study provided very limited primary data to estimate the burden of osteoarthritis in India over 30 years. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2022;30(10):1411-2.

  • Chen Q, Machado G, Ferreira GE, Maher C. The GBD Study 2019 provided very limited data to estimate the prevalence of osteoarthritis in 204 countries over 30 years: comment on the article by Long et al. Arthritis & Rheumatology 2022;74(8):1455-6.

  • Chen Q, Medina CMS, Maher C, Ferreira GE, Hernández AEO, Godínez VV, Gómez AF, Vella S, Machado G. Almost one in five Physiotherapy trials excluded people due to lack of language proficiency: A meta-epidemiological study. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2022;152:13-22.

  • Chen Q, Vella S, Maher C, Ferreira GE, Machado G. Racial and ethnic differences in the use of lumbar imaging, opioid analgesics and spinal surgery for low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Pain. 2022; 10.1002/ejp.2075.

  • Clemson L, Stark S, Pighills A, Lamb S, Fairhall N, Jinnat A, Sherrington C. Environmental interventions for preventing falls in older people living in the community. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. In Press, accepted 16 November 2022.

  • Coombs D, Machado G, Collett M, Mathieson S, Abdel Shaheed C, Lin C, Maher C. Continued opioid use following an emergency department presentation for low back pain. Emergency Medicine Australasia 2022 34: 694-697.

  • Corrêa LA, Bittencourt JV, Mathieson S, Teixeira dos Santos L, Meziat-Filho N, Jandre dos Reis FJ, de Sá Ferreira A, Nogueira LAC. Pain-related interference and pain-related distress of three different phenotypes of patients with chronic low back pain. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. 2022.

  • Corrêa LA, Bittencourt JV, Pagnez MAM, Mathieson S, Sargiotto BT, Telles GF, Meziat-Filho N, Nogueira LAC. Neural management plus advice to stay active on clinical measures and sciatic nerve area for patients with chronic sciatica: study protocol for a controlled randomised clinical trial. Plos One 2022:17(2):e0263152.

  • Corrêa LA, Mathieson S, Hancock M, Verhagen A, Darlow B, Hodges P, French S. Knowledge and beliefs questionnaires for musculoskeletal pain conditions: a systematic review protocol. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2022;66(2):217.

  • Corrêa LA, Mathieson S, Teixeira dos Santos L, Meziat-Filho N, Jandre dos Reis FJ, de Sá Ferreira A, Nogueira LAC. Which psychosocial factors are related to severe pain and functional limitation in patients with low back pain? Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy. 2022;26(3):100413.

  • Costa N, Blyth, FM, Parambath, S, & Huckel Schneider, C. What’s the problem of low back pain represented to be? An analysis of discourse of the Australian context. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2022.

  • Costa N, Mescouto, K, Dillon, M, Olson, R, Butler, P, Forbes, R, & Setchell, J. The ubiquity of uncertainty in low back pain care. Social Science and Medicine, 2022, 313.

  • Costa N, Blyth, FM, Amorim, AB, Parambath, S, Shanmuganathan, S, & Huckel Schneider, C. Implementation Initiatives to Improve Low Back Pain Care in Australia: A Scoping Review. Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.), 2022, 23(12), 1979-2009.

  • Costa N, Smits, EJ, Kasza, J, Salomoni, S, Rodriguez-Romero, B, Ferreira, ML, & Hodges, PW. Are objective measures of sleep and sedentary behaviours related to low back pain flares? Pain, 2022, 163(9), 1829-1837.

  • Cross AJ, Buchbinder R, Mathieson S, Bourne A, Maher C, Lin C, O’Connor DAO. Barriers and enablers to monitoring and deprescribing opioid analgesics for chronic non-cancer pain: A qualitative evidence synthesis using the Theoretical Domains Framework. BMJ Quality & Safety 2022 Jan 21:bmjqs-014186.

  • Cuadra G, Oliveira JS, Pinheiro M, Tiedemann A, Sherrington C, Pivotto L, Khalatbari-Soltani S, Sharma S, Costa N. Physical activity interventions for adults aged 60+ years in low-and middle-income countries: a scoping review. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Dec 2022

  • Damato TM, Christofaro D, Pinheiro M, Morelhao PK, Pinto RZ, Silva DO, Tebar W, Grande G, Oliveira C. Does sedentary behavior contribute to the development of a new episode of low back pain? A systematic review of prospective cohort studies. European Journal of Pain 2022; 26:1412-1423.

  • Dario AB, Kamper SJ, Williams C, Straker L, O’Sullivan P, Schütze R, Smith A. Psychological distress in early childhood and the risk of adolescent spinal pain with impact. Eur J Pain. 2022;26(2):522-30

  • Davidson SR, Bolsewicz K, Kamper SJ, Haskins R, Petkovic D, Feenan N, Smith D, O’Flynn M, Pallas J, Williams CM. Perspectives of emergency department clinicians on the challenges of addressing low back pain in the emergency setting: a qualitative study. Emergency Medicine Australasia.. 2022;34(2):199-208

  • Davidson SR, Kamper SJ, Haskins R, O’Flynn M, Coss K, Smiles JP, Tutty A, Linton J, Bryant J, Buchanan M, Williams CM. Low back pain presentations to rural, regional, and metropolitan emergency departments. Australian Journal of Rural Health. 2022;30(4):458-67.

  • Delbaere K, Elkington J, Lord SR, Batchelor F, Sturnieks DL, Sherrington C. The rising cost of falls – Health researchers are calling for action. Australasian Journal on Ageing. 2022;41(4):487-9.

  • Diniz LM, Oliveira CB, Machado G, Maher C, Verhagen A, Fernandes DAM, Franco MR, Souza TR, Pinto RZ. Effectiveness of brief patient information materials for promoting correct beliefs about imaging and inevitable consequences of low back pain: A randomised controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation. 2022;36(4):527-537.

  • Diong J, Carden PC, O’Sullivan K, Sherrington C, Reed DS. Eccentric exercise improves joint flexibility in adults: A systematic review update and meta-analysis. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. 2022;60.

  • El-Kotob R, Pagcanlungan J, Craven BC, Sherrington C, Mourtzakis M, Giangregorio L. Researchers’ Perspectives on Adverse Event Reporting in Resistance Training Trials: A Qualitative Study. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2022;47(9):893-902.

  • Fairhall N, Dyer SM, Mak J, Diong J, Kwok W, Sherrington C.  Interventions for improving mobility after hip fracture surgery in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2022;2022(9).

  • Feise RJ, Mathieson S, Kessler RS, Witenko C, Zaina F, Brown BT. Benefits and harms of treatments for chronic non-specific low back pain without radiculopathy: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Spine J. 2022 Nov 17:S1529-9430(22)01006-3.

  • Ferreira GE, Zadro JR, Liu C, Harris I, Maher C. Second opinions for spine surgery: a scoping review. BMC Health Services Research 2022 22(1) 358..

  • Ferreira GE, Elkins MR, Jones CM, O’Keeffe M, Cashin AG, Becerra RE, Gamble AR, Zadro JR. Reporting characteristics of journal infographics: a cross-sectional study. BMC Medical Education. 2022;22(1).

  • Ferreira GE, Lobo M, Richards B, Dinh M, Maher C. Hospital variation in admissions for low back pain following an emergency department presentation: a retrospective study. BMC Health Services Research 2022 22(1):83.

  • Ferreira GE, Zadro JR, O’Keeffe M, Chen M, Gao Y, Hu Z, Zhang Z, Harris I, Maher C. A content analysis of online information about the benefits and harms of spine surgery. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 2022; 26(2).

  • Fioratti I, Fandim JV, Pereira C, Batista G, Freitas GE, Palomo A, Reis FJJ, Miyamoto G, Costa LOP, Dear B, Maher C, Saragiotto B. Feasibility, Usability and Implementation Context of an Internet-Based Pain Education and Exercise Program for Chronic Low Back Pain: a pilot trial of the REABILITADOR program. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(8). e35743 PMID: 35776863

  • Gamble AR, McKay MJ, Pappas E, Dale M, O’Keeffe M, Ferreira GE, Richardson K, Zadro JR. Online information about the management of anterior cruciate ligament ruptures in Australia: A content analysis. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. 2022; 59.

  • Gilchrist H, Haynes A, Oliveira JS, Grunseit A, Sherrington C, Bauman A, Shepherd R, Tiedemann A. The value of mind-body connection in physical activity for older people. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 2022;1:1-8.

  • Gleadhill C, Bolsewicz K, Davidson SR, Kamper SJ, Tutty A, Robson E, Da Silva PV, Donald B, Dooley K, Manvell J, Manvell N. Physiotherapists’ opinions, barriers, and enablers to providing evidence-based care: a mixed-methods study. BMC Health Services Research. 2022;22(1).

  • Gosselink R, Zadro JR. Appraisal of Clinical Practice Guideline: Physiotherapy for epidermolysis bullosa. Journal of Physiotherapy. 2022;68(3):209.

  • Hamilton C, Lovarini M, van den Berg M, McCluskey A, Hassett L. Usability of affordable feedback-based technologies to improve mobility and physical activity in rehabilitation: a mixed methods study. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2022;44(15):4029-38.

  • Hamilton M, Gnjidic D, Lin C, Jansen J, Weir KR, Abdel Shaheed C, Blyth F, Mathieson S. Opioid deprescribing: qualitative perspectives from those with chronic non-cancer pain. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2022 18:4083-4091.

  • Hamilton M, Mathieson S, Blyth F, Gnjidic D, Jansen J, Weir K, Abdel Shaheed C, Lin C. Barriers, facilitators and resources to opioid deprescribing in primary care: experiences of general practitioners in Australia. PAIN. 2022:163(4):e518–e526.

  • Hamilton M, Kwok W, Hsu A, Mathieson S, Gnjidic D, Deyo R, Ballantyne J, von Kroff M, Blyth F, Lin C. Opioid deprescribing in patients with chronic noncancer pain: a systematic review of international guidelines. Pain 2023;164:485-93.

  • Han CS, Hancock MJ, Downie A, Jarvik JG, Koes BW, Machado G, Verhagen AP, Williams CM, Maher C. Red flags to screen for vertebral fracture in patients presenting with low back pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2022;7:CD014461.

  • Han CS, Hancock MJ, Maher C. Reconsidering non-specific low back pain: Where to from here? Spine Journal 2022 22: 1927-1930.

  • Hancock MJ, Maher C, Jarvik JG, Battie MC, Elliott J, Jensen T, Panagopoulos J, Jenkins H, Pardey M, McIntosh J, Magnussen J. Reliability and validity of subjective radiologist reporting of temporal changes in lumbar spine MRI findings. PMR 2022;14(11):1325-32.

  • Hanna S, Youssef P, Lowe P. Novel combination biologic therapy for recalcitrant psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in a medically complex patient. Australas J Dermatol. 2022 Feb;63(1):e63-e66

  • Harrison L, Wong D, Traeger A, Harmer R, Jennings M, & Moseley AM. Knowledge, skills and barriers to evidence-based practice and the impact of a flipped classroom training program for physical therapists: An observational study. Physiotherapy theory and practice, 2022,38(13), 2702–2713.

  • Hartvigsen J, Kamper SJ, French SD. Low-value care in musculoskeletal health care: Is there a way forward? Pain Practice. 2022;22(S2):65-70.

  • Hassett L, Jennings M, Brady B, Pinheiro M, Haynes A, Sidhu B, Christie L, Dennis S, Pearce A, Howard K, Greaves C, Sherrington C. Brief Physical Activity Counselling by Physiotherapists (BEHAVIOUR): protocol for an effectiveness-implementation hybrid type II cluster randomised controlled trial. Implementation Science Communications. 2022 Apr 8;3(1):39

  • Hassett L, Wolfenden L. 2022. Designing implementation trials in physiotherapy (Invited Research Note). Journal of Physiotherapy. 68 (2022):210-212

  • Hauber SD, Robinson K, Kirby E, Kamper SJ, Lennox NN, O’Sullivan K. Describing the Non-Surgical, Non-Pharmacological Interventions Offered to Adolescents with Persistent Back Pain in Randomized Trials: A Scoping Review.  Eur J Pain 2022

  • Hauber S, Robinson K, Kirby E, Kamper SJ, Lennox NN, O’Sullivan K. Describing the nonsurgical, nonpharmacological interventions offered to adolescents with persistent back pain in randomized trials: A scoping review. European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom). 2022;18(1):970.

  • Hayden JA, Hayden JA, Ogilvie R, Singh S, Kashif S, Hartvigsen J, Maher C, Furlan AD, Lasserson T, Tugwell P, van Tulder M. Commentary: collaborative systematic review may produce and share high-quality, comparative evidence more efficiently. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2022;152:288-94.

  • Haynes A, Gilchrist H, Oliveira JS, Grunseit A, Sherrington C, Lord S, Tiedemann A: What helps older people persevere with yoga classes? A realist process evaluation of a COVID-19-affected yoga program for fall prevention. BMC Public Health. 2022 Mar 8;22(1):463.

  • Haynes A, Gilchrist H, Oliveira JS, Sherrington C & Tiedemann A. “I wouldn’t have joined if it wasn’t online”: understanding older people’s engagement with teleyoga classes for fall prevention. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 2022,22(283).

  • Haynes A, Sherrington C, Ramsay E, Kirkham C, Manning S, Wallbank G, Hassett L, Tiedemann A. “Sharing Success with Someone”: Building therapeutic alliance in physiotherapist-delivered physical activity coaching for healthy aging. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 2022;38(13):2771-87.

  • Hicks KM, Orange ST, Dulson D, Ansdell P, Todryk S, Gilbert S and Saxton JM (2022). The effect of menstrual cycle phase on immune responses to acute exercise: An exploratory study. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. DOI: 10.1123/ijspp.2022-0130.

  • Ho K, Simic M, Pinheiro M, Miller CB, Ferreira M, Grunstein RR, Hopper J, Ordoñana J, Ferreira PH. Efficacy of a digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in people with low back pain: a feasibility randomized co-twin and singleton-controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2022;8:125.

  • Ho K, Skarpsno E, Nilsen K, Ferreira PH, Pinheiro M, Hopstock L, Johnsen MB, Steingrímsdóttir OA, Nielsen CS, Stubhaug A, Simic M. A bidirectional study of the association between insomnia, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, and comorbid low back pain and lower limb pain. Scandinavian Journal of Pain 2022; 23:110-125.

  • Irving M, Pescud M, Howse E, Haynes A, & Rychetnik L. Developing a systems thinking guide for enhancing knowledge mobilisation in prevention research. Public Health Research & Practice 2022: 32232212-32232212.

  • Jenkins H, French SD, Young A, Moloney NA, Maher C, Magnussen JS, Dear BF, Hancock MJ. Feasibility of testing the effectiveness of a theory-informed intervention to reduce imaging for low back pain: a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2022 8:249

  • Jenkins HJ, Ferreira GE, Downie A, Maher C, Buchbinder R, Hancock MJ. The available evidence on the effectiveness of 10 common approaches to the management of non-specific low back pain: an evidence map. European Journal of Pain 2022 26(7):1399-1411

  • Jenkins HJ, Moloney NA, French SD, Maher C, Dear BF, Magnussen JS, Hancock MJ. General practitioner experiences using a low back pain management booklet aiming to decrease non-indicated imaging for low back pain. Implementation Science Communications 2022 28; 3(1):71.

  • Johnstone CS, Roberts D, Mathieson S, Steffens D, Koh CE, Solomon MJ, McLachlan AJ. Pain, pain management and related outcomes following pelvic exenteration surgery: A systematic review. Colorectal Disease. 2022.

  • Jones CM, Lin C, Day RO, Koes BW, Latimer J, Maher C, McLachlan AJ, Billot L. OPAL: a randomised, placebo-controlled trial of opioid analgesia for the reduction of pain severity in people with acute spinal pain-a statistical analysis plan. Trials 2022 23(1):212.

  • Jones CM, Shaheed CA, Ferreira GE, Mannix L, Harris I, Buchbinder R, Maher C. Spinal Cord Stimulators: An Analysis of the Adverse Events Reported to the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration. Journal of Patient Safety. 2022;18(5):507-11.

  • Jones CM, Abdel Shaheed C, Ferreira GE, Mannix L, Harris I, Buchbinder R, Maher C. Author Response. 2022 Dec 19 [Epub ahead of print]

  • Jones CM, Lin C, Jamshidi M, Dinh M, Patanwala A, Harris I, Abdel Shaheed C, Maher C, Mathieson S. Effectiveness of opioid analgesic medicines prescribed in, or at discharge from, emergency departments for musculoskeletal pain. Annals Internal Medicine. 2022;175(11):1572-158.

  • Kamper SJ, Thompson BL. Qualitative Research: Linking Evidence to Practice. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 2022;52(6):408-9. 8

  • Kamper SJ, Wiley C, Beldham-Collins R, Cowles L, Heikkinen J, Henderson J, Kirsten L, Eslick GD. Evaluation of research capacity in a state health district. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management. 2022;17(2).

  • Kamper SJ. Sample Size: Linking Evidence to Practice. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 2022;52(8):563-4.

  • Karjalainen T, Richards B, Buchbinder R. Platelet-rich plasma injection for tennis elbow: did it ever work? BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2022 Jan 11;8(1):e001258. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2021-001258.

  • Kasch R, Truthman J, Hancock MJ, Maher C, Otto M, Nell C, Reichwein N, Chenot JF, Wassilew G, Schmidt CO. Association of lumbar MRI findings with current and future back pain in a population-based cohort study. Spine 2022 47(3): 201-211.

  • Kasch R, Truthman J, Hancock MJ, Maher C, Otto M, Nell C, Reichwein N, Chenot JF, Wassilew G, Schmidt CO. General population research is not patient research; and despite this can be of clinical interest. Accepted for Spine 4/11/2022. (Reply to letter).

  • Kharel P, Zadro JR, Sundaram CS, McCaffery K, Dodd RH, McLennan C, Maher C. Physiotherapists attitudes, views, and beliefs about Choosing Wisely recommendations: a qualitative study. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 2022; 61: 102610

  • King MH, Costa N, Lewis A, Watson K & Vicenzino B. Throwing in the deep end: athletes, coaches and support staff experiences, perceptions and beliefs of upper limb injuries and training load in elite women’s water polo. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, 2022; 8(1).

  • Langford A, Schneider SR, Lin C, Gnjidic D. Can we improve patient outcomes through utilising evidence-based opioid deprescribing guidelines to reduce opioid use? Pain 2022 163:e382.

  • Leite M, Kamper SJ, Broderick C, Yamato TP. What Works When Treating Children and Adolescents With Low Back Pain? Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 2022;52(7):419-24.

  • Maher C, Gilbert S, Machado G, Chen Q. Letter to the Editor concerning “Epidemiological trends of low back pain at the global, regional, and national levels” by L. Wang et al. Eur Spine J (2022).

  • Maher C, Ferreira GE. Iran’s burden of disease and burden of data collection. The Lancet. 2022;400(10351):490.

  • Maher C, Ferreira GE. Time to reconsider what Global Burden of Disease studies really tell us about low back pain. Ann Rheum Dis 2022 Mar;81(3):306-308.

  • Maher CM, Jones CM, Abdel Shaheed C, Lin C. Letter to the Editor: an updated overview of low back pain management. Asian Spine Journal. 2022;16(1):150-1.

  • Manewell S, Aitken SJ, Nube V, Crawford A, Constantino MI, Twigg SM, Menz HB, Sherrington C, Paul SS. Length of stay and re-admissions for people with diabetes-related foot ulceration admitted to two public tertiary referral hospitals in Australia. Wound Practice and Research 2022; 30(2):82-90.

  • Manewell S, Aitken SJ,  Nube V, Crawford A, Constantino MI, Twigg SM, Menz HB, Sherrington C, Paul SS. Timing of minor and major amputation in patients with diabetes-related foot ulceration admitted to two public tertiary referral hospitals in Australia. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2022.

  • Martini JD, Ferreira GE, Xavier de Araujo F. Pilates for neck pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2022; 31:37-44.

  • Mastrogiovanni C, Rosenbaum S, Delbaere K, Tiedemann A, Teasdale S, McGavin A, Briggs N, McKeon G. A mental health-informed, online health promotion programme targeting physical activity and healthy eating for adults aged 60+ years: study protocol for the MovingTogether randomised controlled trial. Trials 2022;23(1):1-14.

  • Mathieson S, O’Keeffe M, Traeger A, Ferreira GE, Abdel Shaheed C. Content and sentiment analysis of gabapentinoid‐related tweets: An infodemiology study. Drug and Alcohol Review. 2022 Dec 20 [Accepted, e-pub] .

  • Matthew JS. Parker, James B. Lilleker, Hector Chinoy, Adult idiopathic inflammatory myopathies, Medicine, Volume 50, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 70-75, ISSN 1357-3039, 2021.10.011.

  • McKenzie BJ, Haas R, Ferreira GE, Maher CG, Buchbinder R. The environmental impact of health care for musculoskeletal conditions: A scoping review. Plos one. 2022 Nov 28;17(11):e0276685.

  • McKeon G, Tiedemann A, Sherrington C, Teasdale S, Mastrogiovanni C, Wells R, Steel Z, Rosenbaum S. Feasibility of an online, mental health-informed lifestyle program for people aged 60+ years during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 2022;33(3):545-52.

  • Megalaa T, Hiller CE, Ferreira GE, Beckenkamp PR, Pappas E. The effect of ankle supports on lower limb biomechanics during functional tasks: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 2022;25(7):615-30.

  • Melman A, Maher C, Needs C, Machado G. Many people admitted to hospital with a provisional diagnosis of nonserious back pain are subsequently found to have serious pathology as the underlying cause. Clinical Rheumatology. 2022;41(6):1867-71.

  • Melman A, Maher C, Needs C, Richards R, Rogan E, Teng MJ, Machado G. Management of patients with low back pain admitted to hospital: an observational study of usual care. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases. 2022;10.1111/1756-185X.14449.

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  • Moseley A, Pinheiro M. Evaluating risk of bias of randomised controlled trials. Journal of Physiotherapy 2022;68:148-150.

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  • O’Hagan ET, Skinner IW, Jones MD, Karran EL, Traeger A, Cashin AG, Wand BM, Schabrun SM, O’Neill S, Harris IA, & McAuley JH. Development and measurement properties of the AxEL (attitude toward education and advice for low-back-pain) questionnaire. Health and quality of life outcomes, 2022, 20(1), 4.

  • O’Connor D, Glasziou P, Maher C, McCaffery K, Schram D, Maguire B, Ma R, Billot L, Gorelik A, Traeger A, Albarqouni L, Checketts J, Vyas P, Clark B, Buchbinder R. Effect of an individualized audit and feedback intervention on rates of musculoskeletal diagnostic imaging requests by Australian general practitioners: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2022 328: 850-860.

  • O’Keefe M, Ferreira GE, Harris I, Darlow B, Buchbinder R, Traeger A, Zadro JR, Herbert R, Thomas R, Belton J, Maher C. Effect of diagnostic labelling on management intentions for non-specific low back pain: a randomised scenario-based experiment. Eur J Pain. 2022 May 26. doi: 10.1002/ejp.1981.

  • O’Keeffe M, Kamper SJ, Montgomery L, Williams A, Martiniuk A, Lucas B, Dario AB, Rathleff MS, Hestbaek L, Williams CM. Defining Growing Pains: A Scoping Review. Paediatrics. 2022;150(2):e2021052578

  • O’Keeffe M, Michaleff ZA, Harris I, Buchbinder R, Ferreira GE, Zadro JR, Traeger A, Thomas R, Belton J, Darlow B, Maher C. Public and patient perceptions of diagnostic labels for non-specific low back pain: a content analysis. European Spine Journal 2022;31(12):3627-39

  • O’Sullivan IC, Costa N, Franettovich Smith MM, Vicenzino B, Crossley KM, Kamper SJ, van Middelkoop M, Menz HB, Tucker K, O’Leary KT, Collins NJ. Adolescent perspectives on participating in a feasibility trial investigating shoe inserts for patellofemoral pain. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research. 2022;15(1).

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  • Oliveira CB, Christofaro DGD, Maher C, Franco MR, Tiedemann A, Silva FG, Damato TM, Nicholas MK, Pinto RZ. Adding physical activity coaching and an activity monitor was no more effective than adding an attention control intervention to group exercise for patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain (Physical (PAyBACK) Trial): a randomised trial. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 2022 52: 287-299.

  • Oliveira JS, Gilbert S, Pinheiro M, Tiedemann A, Macedo LB, Maia L, Kwok W, L. Hassett L, Sherrington C. Effect of sport on health in people aged 60 years and older: a systematic review with meta-analysis. 2023; British Journal of Sports Medicine 2023;57: 230-236.

  • Paul S, Khalatbari-Soltani S, Dolja-Gore X, Clemson L, Lord SR, Harvey L, Tiedemann A, Close JCT, Sherrington C. Fall-related health service use in Stepping On program participants and matched controls: A non-randomised observational trial within the 45 and Up Study. Age & Ageing. 2022;51(12).

  • Paul S, Taylor J, Tiedemann A, Harvey L, Close JCT, Lord SR, Dolja-Gore X, Carney R, Clemson L, Sherrington C. Patterns of health service use before & after a statewide falls prevention initiative for older adults at risk of falls. Australasian Journal on Ageing 2022;41(4):542-553.

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  • Pinheiro MB, Hassett L, Sherrington C, Hayes A, van den Berg M, Lindley RI, Crotty M, Chagpar S, Treacy D, Weber H, Fairhall N. Economic evaluation of digitally enabled aged and neurological rehabilitation care in the Activity and MObility UsiNg Technology (AMOUNT) trial. Clinical Rehabilitation. 2022 Nov 20:02692155221138920.

  • Pinheiro M, Howard K, Sherrington C, Bauman A, Costa N, Smith BJ, Bellew W, Ding D, Tiedemann A, Wang B, Santos AC, Bull F, Willumsen J, Albuquerque BS, Lunar FR, Bapat V, Norris SK. Economic evaluation of physical activity mass media campaigns across the globe: a systematic review. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2022;19(1):1-18.

  • Pinheiro M, Oliveira JS, Baldwin JN, Hassett L, Costa N, Gilchrist H, Wang B, Kwok W, Albuquerque BS, Pivotto LR, Carvalho-Silva APMC, Sharma S, Gilbert S, Bauman A, Bull FC, Willumsen J, Sherrington C, Tiedemann A. Impact of physical activity programs and services for older adults: a rapid review. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2022;19(1):1-16.

  • Pinheiro MB, Howard K, Oliveira JS, Kwok W, Tiedemann A, Wang B, Taylor J, Bauman A, Sherrington C. Cost-effectiveness of physical activity programs and services for older adults: a scoping review. Age and Ageing. 2023 Mar;52(3):afad023.

  • Pinheiro M, Sherrington C, Howard K, Caldwell P, Tiedemann A, Wang B, Oliveira JS, Santos A, Bull F, Willumsen J, Michaleff Z, Ferguson S, Mayo E, Fairhall N, Bauman A, Norris S. Economic evaluations of fall prevention exercise programs: a systematic review. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2022;56(23):1353-1365.

  • Pocovi N, de Campos TF, Lin C, Merom D, Tiedemann A, Hancock MJ. Walking, cycling and swimming for non-specific low back pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2022 Feb;52(2):85-99.

  • Purcell K, Tiedemann A, Kristensen MT, Cunningham C, Hjermundrud V, Ariza-Vega P, Perracini M, Sherrington C. Mobilisation and physiotherapy intervention following hip fracture: snapshot survey across six countries from the Fragility Fracture Network Physiotherapy Group. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2022;44(22):6788-95.

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  • Zadro JR, Lewin AM, Kharel P, Naylor J, Maher C, Harris I. Physical therapy utilization, costs, and return-to-work status following lumbar spine surgery: A retrospective analysis of workers compensation claims in Australia. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy. 2022;26(2).

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  • Zadro JR, Needs C, Foster NE, Martens D, Coombs D, Machado G, Adams C, Han CS, Maher C. Feasibility of delivering and evaluating stratified care integrated with telehealth (Rapid Stratified Telehealth’) for patients with low back pain: Protocol for a feasibility and pilot randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2022;12(1).

  • Zadro JR, O’Keeffe M, Ferreira GE, Traeger A, Gamble A, Page R, Herbert R, Harris I, Maher C. Diagnostic labels and advice for rotator cuff disease influence perceived need for shoulder surgery: An online-randomised experiment. Journal of Physiotherapy. 2022;68(4):269-76.

  • Zadro JR. Appraisal of Clinical Practice Guideline: Physical Therapy Management of Older Adults With Hip Fracture. Journal of Physiotherapy. 2022;68(4):282.

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